About Bridging Borders
Bridging Borders is a government-registered, nonprofit organization that takes on an intersectional approach to develop and implement sustainable services and programs that span socioeconomic, cultural and educational borders within local and global communities.
Our Story
Bridging Borders started in 2017, when community leaders wanted to create a connected community of resources for newcomer and refugee families.
Bridging Borders develops sustainable programs and services to address socio-economic inequities.
Our organization focuses its aid on four pillars:
Providing the tools and resources to encourage and empower under-served communities.
Mental Health and Disabilities
We aim to raise awareness and encourage conversation surrounding mental health while providing support and resources. We also aim to empower and address the accessibility needs of people with visible and invisible disabilities who are marginalized and underprivileged.
Financial Security
Addressing food, employment, and housing insecurity by empowering marginalized and underserved communities through sustainable services.
Relief Aid
During times of crisis and disasters we aim to mitigate the effects and provide basic needs.
We do this through community-based initiatives like facilitating humanitarian relief aid, developing sustainable services and programs, and coordinating community-engagement events.
Our work stands to be inclusive in every sense of the word, embracing the diverse nature and needs of each community we are a part of. We strive to create a more equitable and interdependent world, where communities have mutually sustained bonds that produce a society based on commonality and empathy. We aim to be the bridge between humans, for humans.